07/10/2024 10:00 -
12/10/2024 19:00 -
Sustainable Marine Governance in the Mediterranean
Κατηγορία: Νομικά
Εισηγητής: Ευάγγελος Ραυτόπουλος
This week-long online Training School designed and developed by UNEP/MAP – MEPIELAN Centre and organized in cooperation with the EPLO, provides unique integrated platform for knowledge exchange, discussion and capacity building in the field of sustainable environmental governance within the framework of the Barcelona Convention system and its evolving inter-linkages with relevant international treaty regimes and processes, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities in the Mediterranean region. The Training School is the first step towards the establishment of an international postgraduate programme leading to a Master’s degree in sustainable maritime governance in the Mediterranean. Participants will be awarded a Certificate signed by UNEP/MAP, MEPIELAN Centre and EPLO
University graduates and doctorate researchers in legal and political studies, ecology, economics, biological and social sciences especially from Mediterranean countries and Professionals from public and private institutions and NGOs working in the area of environment and sustainable development and junior diplomats
50% σε φοιτητές
Περισσότες πληροφορίες εδώ : https://med-ecogov.education/